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Whirl the Future, Princesses_web
Location: 106-K2-01

Whirl the Future, Princesses!

The theme of my creation is to appropriate the Yuan Dynasty painter Ren Renfa’s classic work “Five Kings Return Drunk On Horse Back”. These princes return drunk to the palace, as if in a merry-go-round. The court of palace may have been an amusement park to them, where they whirled merrily on wooden horses, but they could never escape the endless fighting. That may probably be also the case for most people in our times. I purposely removed the bottom of my merry-go-round. With this, I hope that
everyone can run towards freedom. Even the shackles of thick and heavy pillars cannot stop us from liberating ourselves and running far away to the distance!

Yu Wendi
Contemporary artist Yu Wendi, born in Taiwan, obtained double doctorate degrees from the Central ...