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Location: L2-C-04

4T community

The three-screen video includes 01 space- movement, 02 real- virtual, and 03 intelligent- artificial, which explores the expectations and exploration of the 4T community from three aspects. 01 explore the problem of exploring the space and movement to tap the potential space of the 4T community; 02 builds a virtual information street synchronized with reality. Add street social function to the actual walking, and encourage people to walk on the street through virtual reality. On the one hand, the urban history is displayed in the virtual world; On the other hand, it is suitable for the virtualization of any scene and strengthening interactive information. 

03 The purpose of this thesis is to make the creation of an “optical therapy space”. By taking advantage of the influence of light on people’s body and emotion to transform the effect on people, people’s attention to body, emotion and self can be aroused.

In recent years, the improvement of new technology in language, image, and information has brought the great potential for interaction experience. 4T community composition research (Till touch the telepathy) provides an effective value basis for the interactive system serving the user and explores the constituent elements and possibilities of the community. 01 As user experience research is widely used in various industries, from social phenomena to life trends, across art installations to life products. 02 The Program adds street social features to the actual walk, encouraging people to walk on the streets through virtual reality. On the one hand, the history of the city is displayed in the virtual world, and on the other hand, it is suitable for virtualizing any scene and enhancing interactive information.03 The investigation on the influence of non-visual effect of light and interactive design application device based on human data is carried out. Finally, the summary on the design scheme of quickly adjusting emotional state is made. By combing with the design concept of interactive design and interactive device, the human body state is adjusted.

Hao Jie
BIFT lecturer. Jie Hao is a co-founder of the RCACSSA . She comes from a background in installati...
Wu Yuting
Wu Yuting basing in Japan. She graduated from Beijing Institute of Fashion Technol...
Kou Weijia
Visual interaction designer, graduated from the Department of digital media art of Beijing Instit...