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Yiming Yang

Yiming Yang is an installation& new media artist.
She has graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2020 and earn an MA in Information Experience Design. The owner of Yimin Art Technology Co.,Ltd and she has attended the the Swatch Art Peace Hotel as Artist-in-Residence.
She has also presented her work in Tate Modern, Microsoft, Apple Store, Art West Bund, Power Station of Art and so on.
Yiming’s work pushes forward the horizons of today’s post Anthropocene visions, combining organisms (plants, animals, humans), everyday objects, and machines to consider how these symbiotic relationships interact with each other in our subjectivity and psychology. Virtual and reality, machinery, and species, all of these are materialized to present, explore whether a series of social inequalities, religion, gender, race can be liberated. How to establish a new channel of communication between machinery and organic life, and what will be the effect of ecological consciousness and the results of the organic model of machine mutualism.
The flow of information from the inner, unexplorable, states of mind collides with that of body perceptions, giving shape to often absurd ideologies that precariously balance on the brink of the eternal life/death dualism.
Yiming’s personal feelings grow in this realm of absurdity and find a physical shape in her work made of different media and creative techniques — to ultimately discuss the relationship between virtuality and reality, technology, and theology.