Loxel Li(Li Yanjie)

Loxel Li, digital artist / creator / Director. Graduated from the University Academy London of Arts LCC interactive design with a master’s degree. She carries out the speculative design of the alternative world in the digital form, penetrates her desire with materials or forms such as fluid, metal, and motion expression, asks about the position of “man” in the world of science and technology. Her works have been exhibited in V&Amuseum in London (2019), Ars Electronica Festival in Germany (2020), West Bound Art Center(2021), Oil Tank Art Center(2021), Shanghai M50(2021), and other places. She has worked as CG Artist in London / Shanghai Fashion week many times. Her works have been listed in Elle idol and invited to participate in Ted X Shanghai 2021 artist matrix and iweekly exclusive interview digital artist column. Her digital works participated in a digital collection auction of BCA X Yitiao and Yongle digital auction.